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Feline Focus
Feline Focus

Feline Focus

It is all about cats! They’re fuzzy, they’re adorable, they invade our lives and take complete command of it and we are so lucky!

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Feline Urinary Obstruction
Feline Urinary Obstruction – “THE BLOCKED CAT”

Feline Urinary Obstruction

Obstruction or blockage of the urethra is a condition that male cats, particularly those that are overweight, are predisposed to.

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Why Shave so Much of My Dog for Surgery?
Why Did They Shave so Much of My Dog for Surgery?

Why Shave so Much of My Dog for Surgery?

We often get asked, why is my dog’s whole belly shaved when the incision is so small? Why did you shave so much fur for such a small lump to be taken off?

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Cat Peeing Outside Litter Box?
Why Is My Cat Peeing Outside of the Litter Box?

Cat Peeing Outside Litter Box?

There are many different reasons cats can begin urinating outside of the designated litter box. It is very rare that a cat will just become “dirty.” 

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Heatstroke & Hyperthermia in Our Pets
Hot Dog! Heatstroke & Hyperthermia in Our Companion Animals

Heatstroke & Hyperthermia in Our Pets

Summer is finally here, and as the temperatures begin to rise, it is important that we keep all of our pets cool and comfortable. 

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Holiday Hazards for Pets
Holiday Hazards for Pets

Holiday Hazards for Pets

The holidays are a time of year we are thankful for the good things in our lives, including the health of our beloved pets.

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Cats with Claws
Cats with Claws

Cats with Claws

Cats use their claws as a way of experiencing the world around them; to hunt, to learn about their environment, and to protect themselves in times of stress or danger.

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Cat Health Must-Knows
Cat Health Must-Knows

Cat Health Must-Knows

Don't skip the vet visits! Yearly checkups, vaccinations & parasite prevention are essential for a long, healthy feline life. Read more about cat care

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All About Cats!
All About Cats!

All About Cats!

Cat care made easy. Discover feeding tips, medication tricks, spaying/neutering info, nail trimming techniques & more with this handy guide.

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All You Need to Know About Feline Care
Everything You Need to Know About Feline Care

All You Need to Know About Feline Care

Here are some common elderly cat problems and information on urinary health and upper respiratory infections in cats.

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Establishing Mayfield
Establishing Mayfield

Establishing Mayfield

Established November 3rd of 1987 by Dr. Tami Matheson, Mayfield Veterinary Clinic has been serving you and your pets for 30 years. 

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Why We Sedate for Teeth Cleaning
Why Sedation Is Needed for Teeth Cleaning

Why We Sedate for Teeth Cleaning

We know from getting our own dental cleanings how uncomfortable it can actually be. How can we ask our pets to go through that wide awake?

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