Establishing Mayfield

Established November 3rd of 1987 by Dr. Tami Matheson, Mayfield Veterinary Clinic has been serving you and your pets for 30 years. What started out as a 1 veterinarian and 1 assistant practice in Mayfield, has developed into a 3 veterinarian and 10 support staff hospital at our current location, which was built in 1996.

There was one other location between the beginning and now and that was a building on King street at the old Love’s Store where Dan’s Barber Shop currently resides. Dr. Matheson put her heart and soul into developing a successful veterinary business. Covering 24 hour emergencies, working all hours of the day and night with two small children at home was not an easy task, she developed the strong foundation of what we currently have with literally blood, sweat and tears. Always giving back to the community that supported her. Dr. Matheson would sponsor many sports teams, fundraisers and clubs.

Anyone who walked through the door needing a sponsor or donation, she found something to give. When the clinic began to thrive and get busy, she began to bring on more vets and staff to help with the work load. Ensuring every pet that came in had the proper care and time needed to be treated. Many staff of Mayfield Veterinary Clinic are lifelong residents of St. Stephen, and we continue to give back as much as we can. We’ve developed the Angel Fund to help animals and families in emergency situations. We often give many sponsorships, donations, auctions and other fundraisers.

We thank all of our clients and patients for their dedicated support to us. Nothing makes us happier then seeing healthy happy pets, which in turn makes happy clients.

Written by Lyndsay, Office Manager/RVT