Overweight Dog Help

We offer nutritional advice to improve and maintain the general health and wellbeing of your dog.

Many dogs are now looked at as “normal” when they are overweight. We need to be cautious of this false ideal body condition that a bit chubby is ok, when in fact, a few extra pounds on your dog can cause a number of different health problems. Talk to our trained technicians and ask them to assess your dog’s Body Condition Score (BCS). It may just add a few years to your dog’s life in the long run.

When is a dog considered to be overweight?

A dog is considered to be overweight when his/her body condition score is above 6 on the BCS scale. Ideal weight being 5, this scale goes from 1-9. You should be able to see your dog’s hourglass figure, with the waist going in behind the rubs and back out before the hips. The knuckle test is one easily done at home. Basically, your pet is too thin if its ribs (i.e. the side of its chest) feels like the top of your knuckles when your hand makes a fist; your pet is too heavy if its ribs feel like your knuckles when felt from the palm of your opened hand; and your pet is just right when its rib feels like the top of your knuckles when your hand is flat, palm down.

Are some breeds prone to obesity?

There are definitely some breeds that are more likely to become overweight than others. Certain diseases such as diabetes and thyroid can also affect your dog’s weight. However, your dog’s body condition is solely controlled by you as an owner. You feed, and you exercise your dog. It is all managed by you. If you are concerned about your dog’s weight, please talk to our trained staff for some information on how to keep your dog at its healthiest.

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