Dental Care for Dogs

Routine dental care is essential for your dog's overall health.

Dental disease is the most commonly diagnosed health problem in dogs. Dental health is very important to your dog’s overall well-being. If your dog has problems chewing or doesn’t want to eat, has bad breath, swollen gums, redness of the gums, and or broken teeth, your dog may be in need of dental health care. We provide a wide range of dental care services to help your dog live a long and healthy life.

What types of dental care for dogs do you offer at your clinic?

We offer a number of services ranging from a basic dental cleaning and scaling to difficult tooth extractions. Our dental x-ray provides us with images of your dog’s teeth and shows us which ones are healthy and which ones are not.

How often should you brush your dog’s teeth?

Brushing your dog’s teeth 3-4 times a week would be ideal, however, most people are not able to do this. We would recommend a supplementary cleaning tool, such as dental treats to help between brushings.

Why is oral and dental health important?

Oral health care is very important to the overall health of your dog. Bad oral health can lead to many other health problems which include, heart, liver and kidney disease as well as numerous infections.

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