
A vaccination plam can protect your cat from deadly diseases.

Vaccinations for your cat is a very important part of keeping him/her healthy and living a long and happy life. Your cat can contract many diseases that are easily avoided with proper vaccinations. They can be at risk even if they are indoor only cats. In the province of New Brunswick, it is the law to have any domesticated cat vaccinated against rabies, even if it is indoor only.

Does my indoor cat need to be vaccinated?

Absolutely! Your indoor cat must be vaccinated against rabies, as it is the law in New Brunswick. Your cat may be at risk for other diseases as well. Please talk to our team to assess the risk factors for your cat.

What is FVRCP and core vaccine for cats?

For cats, the core vaccines are known as FVRCP and Rabies. FVRCP is an acronym used by veterinarians and it stands for “feline viral Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus and panleukopenia.” Panleukopenia is sometimes referred to as feline distemper, which is in no way related to the canine distemper virus. Depending on the risk of your cat’s lifestyle, our doctors may also suggest feline leukemia vaccine as well as feline chlamydia vaccine.

How often does my adult cat need vaccination?

Cats should be vaccinated for rabies every year. FVRCP is a 3-year vaccine, once boosted properly, this vaccine is good for 3 years. All other vaccines are done yearly.

Are there any risk associated with vaccines?

There is always a risk when introducing anything into your cat’s immune system, however, our doctors take the proper precautions when vaccinating. Your cat gets a full check-up and exam before the vaccine is given. If the doctor finds any red flags such as fever or infection, they will postpone vaccinating until the cat has recovered. This is why it is so important for regular check-ups before vaccinating.

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