Senior Cat Care

An essential service for diagnosing and treating health problems in older cats.

Senior cat care is focused mainly on preventing and treating diseases that we often see in older cats. Proper food based on your cat’s dietary needs as well as yearly check-ups and blood screenings can often help keep your cat healthy well into its late teen years!

What are the stages of a senior cat’s life? How to spot signs of aging?

Cats are considered to be a mature cat, once they reach 7 years of age they are then considered senior once they start to exhibit signs of a senior cat. Slow movements, not wanting to jump, trouble getting in and out of the litter box can be signs of arthritis. Weight loss, yowling, smelly breath, not wanting to eat or even being ravenous can be signs of renal or thyroid disease. The best precaution is to make an appointment right away with one of our vets to discuss your concerns for your senior pet.

My senior cat is losing weight, what can I do?

If your cat is losing weight, and you are concerned, it’s best to make an appointment right away to have an exam and blood work done. Getting your cat in before it becomes even more ill is the best way to ensure a quicker recovery.

How can I care for my senior cat?

Caring for your senior cat includes proper diet, yearly check-ups and exams as well as senior profile blood work. Talk to our team to find out how to best care for your senior cat.

What are some common health issues?

Arthritis, renal disease, dental disease, thyroid disease and heart disease are some of the most common problems and health issues in senior cats.

Why is my senior cat having behavioural issues?

Sometimes a senior cat can seem like they are having behaviour issues, when in fact, they are secondary to what is actually going on. Going to the bathroom outside of the litter box can often mean there is a urinary infection or even arthritis as the cat could be too painful to crawl over the side of the box. Crying out through the night, yowling, this could be the result of vision or hearing loss but could also be an indicator of thyroid problems. Biting, hissing and attacking when the cat was typically not aggressive can mean the cat is painful and hurts to be touched or picked up. All these issues should be consulted with one of our trained veterinarians to find the best relief possible for your senior cat.

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